====== TL3 ====== TL3 is a compact lisp interpretor that is an ancestor of [[lush|Lush]]. Its copyright belongs to both me and [[neuristique|Neuristique]]. It was initially used in the SN Learning System Development Tool. It was eventually agreed to release TL3 under the [[http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html|GNU General Public License]]. The lisp language is pretty clean with a full online documentation and a graphic toolkit. There is also a well documented extension mechanism for adding new primitives. {{ tl3screen.gif?320 }} ===== Download ===== There is a unix version and a windows version. * Download the {{tl3-1.8.tar.gz|source code}} for all platforms. * Download the precompiled {{wintl3-bin.zip|WinTL3 binaries}} for Windows. * Browse the [[http://lush.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/lush/tl3/|CVS repository]] hosted on [[http://www.sourceforge.net|SourceForge]]. ===== See also ===== * [[lush|Lush]], * [[neuristique|Neuristique]].