====== LaSVM ====== ==== 1. Introduction ==== {{:papers:lasvm-epsiloncache.png?300 }} LASVM is an approximate SVM solver that uses online approximation. It reaches accuracies similar to that of a real SVM after performing a single sequential pass through the training examples. Further benefits can be achieved using selective sampling techniques to choose which example should be considered next. As show in the graph, LASVM requires //considerably less memory// than a regular SVM solver. This becomes a considerable //speed advantage for large training sets//. In fact LASVM has been used to train a 10 class SVM classifier with [[:papers:loosli-canu-bottou-2006|8 million examples]] on a single processor. See the [[papers:bordes-ertekin-weston-bottou-2005|LaSVM paper]] for the details. ==== 2. Implementation ==== We provide a complete implementation of LASVM under the well known [[http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html|GNU Public License]]. ^ File ^ Description ^ Note ^ | {{lasvm-source-1.0.tar.gz}} | LaSVM Source code | Initial version (2005) | | {{lasvm-source-1.1.tar.gz}} | LaSVM Source code | Minor fixes (7/2009) |
This source code contains a small C library implementing the kernel cache and the basic process and reprocess operations. Two additional C++ programs, ''la_svm'' and ''la_test'' can be used to run experiments. Calling these programs without arguments gives a summary of the command line arguments and options.
These programs can handle three data file format.
Sample files can be downloaded from the [[papers:bordes-ertekin-weston-bottou-2005|publication page]].
== LIBSVM/SVMLight files ==
These files represent examples using a simple text format.
Each example is represented by a line in the following format