===== Learning Image Embeddings using Convolutional Neural Networks for Improved Multi-Modal Semantics ===== //Abstract:// We construct multi-modal concept representations by concatenating a skip-gram linguistic representation vector with a visual concept representation vector computed using the feature extraction layers of a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) trained on a large labeled object recognition dataset. This transfer learning approach brings a clear performance gain over features based on the traditional bag-of-visual-word approach. Experimental results are reported on the WordSim353 and MEN semantic relatedness evaluation tasks. We use visual features computed using either ImageNet or ESP Game images. Douwe Kiela and Léon Bottou: **Learning Image Embeddings using Convolutional Neural Networks for Improved Multi-Modal Semantics**, //Proceedings of EMNLP 2014//, Doha, Qatar, 2014. [[http://leon.bottou.org/publications/djvu/emnlp-2014.djvu|emnlp-2014.djvu]] [[http://leon.bottou.org/publications/pdf/emnlp-2014.pdf|emnlp-2014.pdf]] [[http://leon.bottou.org/publications/psgz/emnlp-2014.ps.gz|emnlp-2014.ps.gz]] @inproceedings{kiela-bottou-2014, author = {Kiela, Douwe and Bottou, L\'{e}on}, title = {Learning Image Embeddings using Convolutional Neural Networks for Improved Multi-Modal Semantics}, booktitle = {Proceedings of EMNLP 2014}, year = {2014}, address = {Doha, Qatar}, url = {http://leon.bottou.org/papers/kiela-bottou-2014}, }